thinking without acting

"I don't think...." then you shouldn't talk, said the Hatter." 
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

I haven't had much to say online for a while. It isn't because I'm not thinking, but rather that I'm seeing my thoughts turned into actions so quickly that my thoughts don't have time to linger as words.

My new job is 63 days old and those 63 days have been some of the most productive, positive pleasurable days of my 43 years.... 

Today my thoughts are far more likely to be quickly translated into actions than they have ever been before. For years most of my thoughts seemed to transcend my reach and I always accepted that I could think of more ideas than I could personally implement. Hence the need to have a safe place to set those thoughts down so that I could come back and get them if I ever came to a place large enough to turn many of them into actions. 

I'm not certain what that will mean for this online receptacle of my thought life, perhaps it may create a "less is more" approach to what I write here... or perhaps it will mean that I'll be too busy implementing thoughts to have time to lay them neatly on the virtual shelf of my Blog... I do hope it is the former.... 

Either way... I just popped in to say "hello" and to peruse the library shelves to see if any of my prior thinking that is laying around in here might be more fruitfully employed in my new home! :)

For all of you more "silent" types who are surprised by my Hatter quote... 
let me say this.... 

"I only ever talk when I'm thinking!" "My life-long beef with the "quieter" people is their unthinking assumption that their lack of speaking means they never talk without thinking!" 

"Bah Humbug!" ;)  

Miss you all a little... ;) 


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