Taking time to Father

“One father is more than a hundred Schoolmasters.” 
George Herbet, Outlandish Proverbs, 1640

The picture above is of the new chest of drawers I assembled on Saturday. It will be part of my son’s first furnished room and will hold his first year's wardrobe, and he will lay upon it as I change him, clean him, and wrap him in yet another freshly laundered cloth diaper.

His bedroom is beginning to accumulate stuff.... a few new outfits, which seems odd that he has his “3 month old” gear before he gets his “new born” gear but that’s the way of things for new borns....

I’m already having to flex my schedule because we have no idea when he might decide to arrive. It’s week 37 so anytime in the next three weeks I might be dashing to his birth hospital to tie his umbilical cord.

I'm also working on assembling a new rhythm to my life. Sleepless nights, high level focus on a helpless human being, the pure delight I'll have in merely sitting in his room and watching him sleep. These all require time. I have 168 hours each week to live my life with intentionality and integrity. In three weeks time I'll need to divert a substantial allotment of that time to my son to ensure my marriage continues to receive sufficient time to continue excelling as a husband because all the books, and experts I've read say a healthy marriage will produce the most stable platform in which to raise our son.

I'm curious what it is that I'll no longer be able to do now that I will begin to be a father.... whatever it is... it could never come close to what fatherhood offers... so... some things in my life will be mothballed in 3 weeks to make room for my son's life.

I'm building one of the bases of that life right now... Adoption is expensive and I'm trusting that God will touch the hearts of a global village of friends to help us bring him into our family. If you want more info please follow the link below...


three weeks to fatherhood!


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