
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. 
Arthur C. Clarke 

Ok, I'm ready for a little soul searching and accountability from my friends..... I think I might have been dabbling with magic for the past few years and not recognized the signs.....

This picture caught me interacting with one of these magic portals and while it seems harmless I'm concerned it might be bewitching me with alluring power and promises of convenience.

This morning I asked my wife if we should bring the camera to a meeting we have this afternoon where taking pictures will probably be necessary. She sleepily replied that she didn't think that was necessary as she was bringing her phone! It seemed such a benign comment yet here she was claiming her "phone" would record images for her and if needed would indeed send copies to any other of her places at her command.

So I'm now made painfully aware that the little machine my wife has with her is also capable of capturing the soul of places we visit..... In the middle-ages it would have been a black cat and there would have been some unpleasant consequences if she got caught! But I have a little "familiar" just like Bethany's that can do everything she claims! Does that make me an Irish Warlock? Did I just call my wife a Witch? Hmm.... If I just accidental did that and it is proved she is... then she is obviously one of the "good witches" (Refer to Disney) if she has indeed been dabbling in magic.....

I now am the proud and rather timid owner of Mac. He is a magician of quite profound reputation yet I find his style of communication rather different from my old magician PC.

For one thing there isn't a "right click" option..... why? It seems harmless enough, but it seems the reason PC's crash all the time is because we mere mortals keep pressing the right click on the mouse!

It took me 15 minutes to figure out how to get at my pictures so I could pick a cute picture to speak a 1000 words for me so I can bewitch you all into reading my blog and increasing my hits astronomically so I can gain world domination by having millions of mindless zombies following me around in the virtual world. At least that is what the man who sold me the beans said would happen once I took Mac out of his box!

Oh dear, I do hope my old Sunday school teacher doesn't discover I've gone over to the dark side......

Hmm.... since I'm already on the dark side I thought I might as well take advantage of the useful little magic available to practitioners of the dark arts and speak into your minds magic incantations that will drain your will to resist my magic methods.....

I had a machine make my coffee this morning and used a magician called Mac to talk to over 500 people who call me "friend" despite the fact we rarely meet.

magical!!!!! If I find a magic bean that will grow a beanstalk big enough to reach the giant called Apple I'm going to ask why they didn't include the right click function in Mac's repertoire.  I liked my right click abilities!!!! I could get all manner of things from simply hitting the right hand side of the touch pad!!!! The pure inhumanity of it all!!!!! Curse these magic users!!!!!!

Oh.... and have an awesome day..... I have a stream of serious people, and serious meetings today as well as a dentist appointment planned for today that will stretch to at least 9.30pm and will start in 39 minutes with my "8am". he likes to think his name is Tyler..... but he was magically transformed into 8am by Mac.....


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