Confusing Morality with Frugality

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill

One of our routines in the morning is to "listen" to something intelligent. Whether that is a news broadcast from NPR, or a News podcast, or a Ted-Talks, my wife and I try to feed our mind as well as our body as we prepare for the day ahead. This morning we listened to a Ted-Talks by Dan Pallotta called "The way we think about charity is dead wrong." -

He sets forth the belief that we confuse Morality with Frugality. 

Part of my vocation is to raise money for a non-profit. I've never raised more than $150,000 in one year but compare that to the fact that the first year I began fundraising, we raised only $15,000.

There are those in my life who might look back on our early days and think nostalgically of them as the better days when I was working part-time in a bar to barely meet the rent, and Bethany was living below the poverty line.  It sounds incredibly romantic and moral to give so sacrificially to a cause. The downside is that it takes a toll on the "Sacrificial one" so that eventually they go do something more profitable and sustainable with their life. Fortunately for us we found a way to continue giving our lives to the cause while also changing how we raised money so that we could pay me a living wage and give the ministry the resources it needs to grow.

I want to raise substantially more money than I have done. I'd like to increase again by ten-fold what we bring in each year. I believe if we can raise ten times what we do, the effectiveness for our cause will increase exponentially.

When I first started asking people to invest in the cause we had given our lives to I received a handful of coins that I was incredibly touched to be entrusted with. 9 years later I receive a large roll of bank notes that I feel incredibly touched to be entrusted with. I want that roll of notes to grow into something incredible and I want to be someone who will use it wisely....

My Faith tradition has a sacred text that touches on this.....
Luke 12:48 - When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.


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