filling seconds with blossoming moments.

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever."
Alfred Lord Tennyson

220,924,800 seconds!
The number above is the amount of Time's shortest span that I've collected walking with my wife these past seven years. Each second became a moment, each moment morphed into an hour, each hour eventually became a day, and in the unfolding of time those days became years. 

It is our seventh anniversary today and I plan to be strewing petals of praise before my bride throughout the day. But she is so generous of heart I know she would want me to share some of those petals of praise.... So below are a few petals of praise for my beloved who fills my seconds with blossoming moments. 

The married Woman 

I married a woman,
Not a doll-like toy with skin,
nor an overly active manikin,
No, you see, I married a woman.

She who ought to be obeyed,
from whom my eyes have never strayed.
Adoration is merely common place,
when confronted with Aphrodite's face.

I married a woman.
Not a domesticated kitchen tool,
Nor a pretty face that hides a fool.
Not thus for me, for I married a woman.

She whose courage raises Love's battle standards,
Whose poise and wit like polished diamond shards.
Reflect she who by whim can turn manly hunter into hunted stag,
Or transform the pig-like ear of man's potential into Life's silk bag. 

She who epitomizes Wisdom's idyllic married woman. 
She who carries the honor of the better gender.
She who makes my haggard heart grow tender.
She is the one I name The Married Woman. 

For my wonderful bride who has filled my life with a host of idyllic seconds. My garden does indeed extend beyond my reach, ever unfolding with the flowers you created by simply being. 


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