My big sister Sarah has cancer

"For there is no friend like a sister
In calm or stormy weather;
To cheer one on the tedious way,
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one trotters down,
To strengthen whilst one stands” 
Christina Rossetti

My big sister Sarah has cancer. 

We are 11 months apart in age with only 6 days separating us from being Irish twins. But we merely waited 11 more months to add the other sibling who was my Irish twin. So for two months each year I am the same age as one of my siblings. In 19 days my brother Jimmy will turn 42 and for 14 days we’ll be the same age. Then I’ll turn 43 and share that age with Sarah for six weeks. 

My big sister Sarah has cancer.

When we were little she was ferocious when other kids would try to hurt me. I remember her threatening murderous retribution on one kid for pushing me, and when that poor little boy blustered that she couldn’t hit him because she was only a girl, she felt no compunction in relieving him of his delusions. One very enlightened little boy left the playground newly aware that big sisters can offer very painful proof of a sister’s ability to “hit hard” when “her” baby brother has been manhandled. 

My big sister Sarah has cancer.

In my teens and early twenties I failed to be a worthwhile brother. I was too intoxicated with a wasted life to be there when she was hurting. The weekend she lost the twins I was on a three day bender and was three days late in arriving at the hospital. It took less than 3 seconds for her to forgive me and be my big sister. 

My big sister Sarah has cancer.

When I found my Faith, and so many others mocked, she believed. And when that Faith sobered and settled me, she was relieved. When that new found Faith made me intolerably self-righteous she forgave. And when it finally led me into far off fields she swelled with pride. Her baby brother was a Missionary! 

My big sister Sarah has cancer.

When I finally found my Beloved she approved. When that new life with my Beloved took me so far away she never moved an inch. She has always been behind me ensuring I have someone to pick me up if I should fall. Getting married just meant she had another person to watch over. 

My big sister Sarah has a great deal more within her than cancer, and all that greatness which resides within her will help ensure that the cancer leaves and she remains…. 

For in a few short weeks we’ll be 43 together…. 



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