days off....
Dear Jesus,
It is my “day off” and I’m already feeling that unrestful sense of becoming restless and it is only 9.30am!
I’m always curious what it was you did when you went hiking outside of the village, town, city you were working in…. can’t imagine there was an REI nearby for you to stock up on new gear…. I know you chatted to your Heavenly Father, did internal inventories to make sure things were running smoothly… but did you also pop into the local carpenter’s workshop and build something out of wood?
You made me and I don’t seem to enjoy sitting around for a whole day being “off.”
I “know” from your really useful “Human-Being Manual” (Bible) that my whole self needs to stop and experience a complete 24 hour Sabbath each week. I’ve even used those “off” times to read loads of stuff on how to rest…. it was good stuff for me to be able to teach “how to be restful” but….
It wasn’t very restful if I’m being honest… I suppose if you are someone who needs to read a book on “resting” then you can be sure that the book isn’t going to be “restful” reading… They seem to be full of "Lots of “fixing” us workaholics" and making me feel like an addict trying to get his next fix of activity…. ahh well…. they probably mean well….
So…. I’m going to enjoy my Sabbath today by doing a bunch of stuff that is different from the stuff I do the rest of the week….
There are these awesome old 1920’s doors and windows in the basement that are just dying to be restored into patio/porch tables, bookshelves, and other great shabby chic stuff! There is the wee wilderness that we own called a backyard garden that needs a miracle before it actually is a garden…. there are at least half a dozen poems in need of birthing out of my soul and into the world….. I haven’t written anything for the Blog in days…
Thanks! Now I feel more relaxed…. “phew!”… I thought for a moment that I was going to sit here all day and worry about sitting here all day….
I like me… I like that you like me….. I like that my wife likes me…. so now I’m going to plod off and be me….. “now where oh where will I set the old door so i can sand it?”
Oh… and please check in on all my new friends to see if they are ok this cloudy Saturday….
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