Reading images and picturing words

 ~ Sometimes I do get to places just when God’s ready to have somebody click the shutter. –
Ansel Adams
They tell me that a picture is worth a thousand words. If so then this is a small booklet into the soul of one Irish traveler. This picture sat for ages on a bookshelf in Germany then in America waiting to be developed along with scores of it's fellows. Bethany and I finally got around last night to viewing them on our laptop.

So why take up space on the virtual world of the Blog-o-sphere with a snappy little family picture? Because it beats the life out of talking about the awesome contact sport of Presidential politics. 

Don't get me wrong, I love politics, especially American Presidential Elections but before I fall into the joys of Political Super Bowl Tuesday this evening I thought I'd spare a few minutes to value something more tangible, and something that makes tonight's entertainment worthwhile and meaningful.

I'm talking about the simple joy of "being" in this world alongside someone I adore and taking a few hours every so often to just delight in being alive. Whether it is standing in line in a local Catholic school this morning watching my wife cast her vote or sitting together tonight with me excitedly yelling at the TV and Bethany catching up on some paperwork. It is all about being alive and its awesome when someone captures it on a spirit capturing machine called a camera!

I'll leave you with a quote from one of Christianity's great sages to explain why you took the time to read this little thought on images of life.....

"We read to know we are not alone"
C.S. Lewis


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