empty labels

"Love demands infinitely less than friendship."
George Jean Nathan

What is Young Life? 
A Brand? A Business? A pulp-fiction Bible sermon in a graphic-Tee? 

Labels are such a nuisance at times, and titles trip us up when all we were trying to do was describe "belonging" to other people. 

Last Monday a wonderful young woman at Wash-U talked about YLC in her description of Atheism. Later I mentioned that she had given YLC a shout out in her presentation, someone then corrected me and explained that she hadn't mentioned Young Life College, she had just talked about me, my wife, and how we opened our home and our minds to her and her partner. 

The hoody pictured above is lying in my bedroom at the moment along with another YL Hoody, and a bunch of T-shirts. I'm all about branding "belonging," so I have quite a few brands laying around my home. 

But all they really express are the relationships that I value. 

I met Dave and Kristy Martin in Munich, Germany and for almost a decade they were Young Life. 

Today it is John and Veda Holmes in St. Louis who have become Young Life, along with the small crowd of extremely wonderful young men and women who make up YLC Stl. 

My wife and I came to this city to be available for young men and women to have someone they could talk to, or perhaps just shout at. We helped start YLC Stl just by getting off the plane. 

The best thing I can say about all of the Young Life gear I wear and give away is that it keeps me and my friends warm in the winter and cool in the summer. 

What is Young Life? 

I am Young Life! Ashley Jones is Young Life! Ethan Luhman is Young Life! I could keep typing names of people I care for and who care for me but I think you get the point.....

Empty labels and words shouted at strangers are just more ways to express the abandonment of an entire generation. 

If anybody ever asks you what Young Life does at Wash-U just explain that they hope to fill the random vacuums of silent suffering in students' lives caused by remaining unseen and unheard. 

People keep assuming YLC is about shouting religious slogans at strangers warning them of what they do wrong and how to fix themselves.... then they are shocked when I and our team just sit and listen to them, and on my good days even cause a smile or on my best days a belly laugh from a young black man who thinks white Christian ministers might be the anti-christ! 


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