Empty Father's Day

"I see people, as they approach me, trying to make up their minds whether they'll 'say something about it' or not. I hate if they do, and if they don't."
- C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed

This is the day where I endure as the world celebrates the fathers among us. This ode is for a daughter I spent years prayerfully waiting for, and finally, after an eternity of expectation, accepting that she would never arrive. 

Grief comes in many forms, agony has many faces, but all of them are exponentially multiplied by the evil of being accompanied by hollow answers and unholy platitudes wrapped and delivered by the grief stricken's closest friends and family. 

Below are emotive words, forming lines, chained together by grammatical rules and rhythms of cadence. I believe Poetry helps one utter agony and can also be one of the great salves for a life saturated in suffering..... This is an ode to the emptiness of Father's Day....

Empty Father’s Day
God knows, I know, that He said No
My Whys answered with He said so.
A nursery’s empty cradle
Mocks our hope as cruel fable.

She sweeps past our eyes
Beyond touch, and my heart sighs
Dark curls askew, black patents tapping
Enchanted hope, in pink wrapping

In infertility’s chamber of waiting
 This cruel crèche of hopeless creating
I see Daddy’s girl, and Mommy’s mirror
Dissolve into my biological coding error

Father’s day without a daughter
There are no dragons for me to slaughter
Abjuring hope, rage abating into impotence
Aghast at Fate’s cruel indolence

Unhallowed prayers for my lost princess
 Burning tears providing unholy incense 
All hopeless, endless empty religious dreams
For Christian karma’s pyramidal schemes

 But she exists within my fertile imagination
Despite my reproductive resignation
The whispered name of my unformed progeny
Echoes in another empty Father’s Day 


  1. Don't know of a better dad for "her". Thank you for the blog.
    Thinking of you today.
    Love you brother.


  2. Sometimes there just aren't any right words...


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