I've been away....

At my age you don't go into fatherhood lightly.
Rod Stewart

It has been 562 days since John Raymond Millar introduced himself to me and six days later a Judge declared us to be John's guardians, six months later the same Judge declared us to be John's parents. I was 16,418 days old when I first held him as a fragile bundle of new life (see picture above) and I prayerfully vowed the remaining days of my life to protect and promote his life. 

I will soon reach the midway point of my 40's and become a 45 year old father. I can see 50 in the distance and it's scary but also hopeful. My boy will be 6 when I turn 50, he will have entered high school when I turn 60 and by the time I am a blessed 65 my boy will be 21!

Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift?
    the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows
    are the children of a vigorous youth. 
Psalm 127:3

I'm curious what children are in the less vigorous youthfulness of middle age! 

I've been away.... hopefully I'll create the time to touch base more now that the first rush of middle aged parenting has entered the long stretch of child raising....


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