how do boys get women to sleep with them?

Last week a friend sent me a FB message pointing me to a Huffington Post article on “real men.”

The link to the article is below: I’d recommend reading it fully before reading my thoughts on the article.

This is a simple list that just scratches the surface of what a man ought to be, but I think that most men would read this article and then instantly dismiss it as idealistic feminine drivel. I think men tend to dismiss it because they know women won’t be choosing their actual mate based on this list or any list like it. I doubt more than a tithe of men could pass these ten simple tests or are even aware they should be able to pass them.

In contrast, almost any woman you stop in the street has read literally dozens of articles just like this one in a multitude of Women’s Magazines, and if they are being forthright they’d admit that such paragons of manliness abound in their own day dreams of a potential Prince Charming, but they don’t know more than a handful of women who found such a man. 

So how is it that most women know what “ real men” are supposed to be like, yet they seem to constantly accept the sub-par behavior of the boys they have as partners? 

My wife spent many years “alone" because she wouldn’t accept the boys who courted her. She rebuffed legions of boys in pursuit of a man. I don’t think it is a coincidence that her man can pass these ten tests. I think Bethany’s man can pass these tests because Bethany wouldn’t accept anything less than a man who could pass these tests and many more besides. 

Ladies, please rebuff the boys who court you if they can’t pass this list. 

I spend my life telling boys on the cusp of manhood that they should be real men. But they aren’t trying to get me into bed, so its easy to dismiss my words as meaningless, because they know they can sweep an “undemanding girl” off her feet with little effort and even less substance.

Men are tragically “boyish” and I’d give almost anything for that to be different.
Ladies, it isn’t your fault that men are so pitiful, but you are the ones who pay for their immaturity.
Real men can try to set a standard for what men ought to be, but until women set a different standard for who they let into their beds, boys will keep ignoring men because they can still sweep girls off their feet and into their beds.

The biggest question I have after reading this article is how such “boys” can convince “real” women to sleep with them.


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