apprehending appeasement

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
Winston Churchill

This morning I woke up and read an impassioned plea on Facebook. It was from an amazing young woman that we got to know when one of our good friends from Munich fell in love with her and got married. She was asking her Facebook friends to go to her Blog and view the comments she had received in response to a post she had written. 

This is the link to her Blog and the offending post. 

I obediently went to the Blog and read the comments. 

In case you have neither the time nor inclination to read the many comments on her Blog let me offer the Cliff Notes. 

She was inundated with well meaning men and women explaining that while it was indeed horrible that women are shamed by Christian leaders about what they wear she really needed to remember that women have a responsibility to their Christian brothers who are overwhelmed by feelings of lust when they see women in certain appealing apparel. 

I, being a well meaning man, thought it behooved me to speak into the virtual discussion on the merits of women caring about how their choice of wardrobe effects men in their life. I apologized profusely to all the women who might ever read Ruthie's blog on behalf of all men and explained it isn't their responsibility to worry about their male friends' sexual urges. That would be the men's responsibility! Then I wrote this  

 “If the most beautiful woman you can imagine walked into church next Sunday naked and jumped on your lap and begged you to have sex with her, here is the response God and I expect you to aim for. We expect you to be able to get her out of the room, while protecting her dignity and honor, without shaming her in anyway, and ensuring you have made no judgement at all about her choices.”

This is what my standard for how Christian men ought to be able to behave in even the most unlikely circumstances. 

Then as the day progressed I thought more on the subject. It riles me when I hear of women being shamed and objectified in defense of what seems the indefensible. Every man who I lead understands that I expect them to take captive every thought and to engage self-control in every area of their lives. 

Defeat is acceptable if you have fought the good fight. Surrender is contemptible if you never even tried  resistance!

"Millions for defense! Not one cent for tribute!” 
Stealing from the great Charles Cotesworth Pinckney from America's early Independence history to aid me in expressing a personal ethos when it comes to taking personal responsibility for my own actions and attitudes. 

I think men in Christianity need to apprehend our tendency to appease our baser impulses to sexually objectify women in our society. I have heard some great men of God explain away the male sexual impulses as almost irresistible. They follow that declaration by stating that therefore women must bear the responsibility for men's sexual impulses by hiding their feminine sexuality from their Brethrens' sight.

When we surrender the high ground and try to appease the monster inside ourselves we find it will eventually consume us. Today's young men are exposed to a level of pornography that would have been unbelievable only 20 years ago. The advent of the Internet has unleashed a torrent of sexual aberration on our society. The recent research suggests young men 18-25 have seen thousands of graphic images that skew their concept of how women ought to look and what women are meant to do. This isn't a puristic response from the hard right of Evangelicalism. This was on MSNBC's Morning Joe a few weeks ago! 

We need to start a dialogue with our young men explaining that it is morally reprehensible to objectify another human being. 

We also need to emulate the great old Roman senator Gaius Laenas who drew a circle in the sand and sent the eastern despot Mithridates on his way! Our young men have been enslaved by a far worse tyrant and we older men lack the gumption of our forebears and are busy offering up our daughters in hopes of appeasing the monster and saving our sons. 

I'm a history buff, and I like the old heroes. I think the ladies in my life deserve the chance to live a life that isn't constantly being objectified either by young men who only see an object to satisfy their momentary passion or by older men and women who want to objectify by blaming the young women for why the men are objectifying them. 

I know this is close to a semi-rant online and that I'm in danger of falling into the cliche of the irate Blogger....

But I have a wife and I'm deeply offended that some young man might be so reprehensibly ignorant as to think my wife is a fine object for his unbridled libido! Few young men see my wife on my arm and think allowing his eyes free reign is a good idea at that moment. I fill a room with my personality and despite 17 years of passivity I sadly retain the shadow of the violent streets a I grew up on. Young men take a deep breath and dig deep down inside and always find the capacity to look my wife in the eyes when they talk to her! My looming tattooed presence usually ensures that amount of self-control....

I'm a "line in the sand" kind of guy...... appeasement only encourages encroachment. 


  1. From Ruthie Deans Blog: "Remember how Jesus responded to the woman caught in adultery?" Yes, I do recall: "And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."

  2. Darn it Robert. I need to go to sleep and get up early, but I chose to read your Blog tonight. My mind is chockablock full of thoughts regarding this post and Ruthie's Blog as well. I'm gonna 'splode!!!

  3. Dave, I'm sorry the Blog snagged sleep from your eyes.

    You are one of the men I've met in my life with the courage to encourage and empower the women in your life to be all they want to be. I've always thought of you as one of the great male role models in how to empower women by being a man who isn't so insecure the ladies in your life need to hide themselves to protect your fragile male self.

    Now I have to wait for you to wake up to discover what thoughts have been churning around inside that head of yours... :)

  4. I still can't seem to put to paper what I want to. It doesn't come out right. I think that it is because you are right in saying men need to repent, and change their hearts. We need to discipline ourselves. But you are wrong in that you seem to be saying women have no part in this. The Bible clearly states that women are to adorn themselves with a godly life, not gold and pearls. It also says that women should dress modestly. What does that mean? I don't want my daughters or wife to be forced into veils and full body armor. On the other hand, I don't want to see my daughters in a push-up bra and low cut dress, with a very short skirt. Isn't it your character that should make you feel loved and worthwhile? And might not flashy, provocative dress indicate pride? Not that it is up to me to determine if a person dressed provocatively is being prideful.

    See? I'm not being clear. I know that you are both right and wrong, but I'm not expressing myself well. Maybe I am just being my normal, confused self.

    I think it is important to test things by the word of God, not by how we feel. Jesus' attitude seemed to be, "Neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no more." He called her out on her sin, but wasn't going to waggle his boney finger of judgement at her. Jesus, of all people! He could have judged her! It is his right. We, on the other hand, have no right to judge, but we are called to discern. It is wrong to blame a woman's provocative dress on my lust, but isn't it wrong to a) cause a brother to stumble and b) be prideful or haughty? I see biblical evidence for both of those things being sinful.

    Anywho, my head hurts, and I am not fully pleased with what I have written, but I don't see glaring mistakes either. By the way, please don't apologize for me. I can do that myself when required, and often have to!

    I wish I was sitting at the table with you, Bible in hand, talking about these things. Though I usually write less stupidly than I speak. *shudder* Yes, it's that bad! I love you. brother!

  5. First, I wasn't apologizing for you. I was talking to you. I was curious what you were going to say as I really do admire how you live your life and empower and respect women.

    Second: My whole post is directed towards men. I agree that there are many points to this complex issue but I've found that when any mention women is included in the discussion, then most young Christian men tend to use that as a cop-out that saves them from taking a hard look at their issues with unbridled sexual desire and blatantly unbiblical Lust and objectifying women.

    I also think it is extremely important to test things by the Word of God. The ability for you and I to toss Bible verses to each other for the next week would be impressive but perhaps not instructive.

    But let me respond to the questions you posed with the understanding that I'm looking at this from the perspective of someone who has to find ways to successfully help young men pursue Holiness in everything.

    a) cause a brother to stumble
    I think most women could rightly respond that it is as equally applicable to say that it wrong to make your sister stumble. Therefore Christian men need to stop talking about women's choice of dress code and women's small contribution to the issue and get a grip on this sexual objectification of women that is rampant in our Christian communities.
    b) be prideful or haughty?
    I'm truly unsure how the choice to wear a skimpy revealing Bikini can be construed as Prideful/Haughty. Especially when every young Christian man the young lady knows seems to value only physical beauty in potential romantic partners.

    My Bethany has a personal dress code and fashion sense that has nothing to do with men's problems when they see her and everything to do with her own personal choices about how she wants to be perceived and also what makes her feel appropriately dressed for whichever occasion she is dressing for.

    Dave, your daughters are growing up in a Christian culture that is teaching them that men can't be expected to be leaders of their own bodies. Then they are taught that women are expected to trust men to lead them in marriage, and their children, and their churches.

    We need to focus on the critical and most destructive problem. Which is that our men can't control their own Libido. The two main reasons men are asked to step down from leadership positions in Christian ministries is misusing sex and money. We have an epidemic raging through our society of adolescent men having been taught it is ok to use women as sexual objects. 44% of evangelicals get divorced. It isn't because women can't figure out how to dress properly.

    As I said when I started, it is a complex issue and I'm looking at it from a specific perspective. And also I meant it when I said that you are one of the men I admire in how you treat the women in your life.

    I teach this subject for a living and I know there are no easy, all encompassing answers out there. But I do think that focusing solely on men for a prolonged period might be very helpful.

    I'd like to be sitting across the table from you if for no other reason than you are probably wearing one of those awesome shirts of you wear!

  6. I'm sorry, Robert. First I am sorry that I seem to have irritated you, though I'm not really sure about that because print doesn't always convey emotion/mood very well. If I did piss you off, I apologize. Second, you did apologize for me, but that was on your FaceBook page, where you made a blanket apology for all men. Sorry for the confusion I wrought!

    Living a disciplined life has been largely marginalized in our society. Gratification must be immediate, and there are no restrictions on gratification, rather those limits are eroding quickly. I struggle with this every day. I'm sure you do too. Some are better than others in this fight. I wasn't raised to be a disciplined young man. I was pretty much left on my own to bump about until I sort of got it right. I was thinking the other day about how a person who is not disciplined goes about learning to be. I haven't any brilliant insight into that, but it seems to me that the only way to learn discipline is by living in a disciplined fashion. Can it be that simple? Do what is right regardless the difficulty. Conceptually simple. Executionally painful. Ultimately rewarding.

  7. Dave,

    You didn't irritate me at all! I'm so sorry that my post seemed to indicate that. I promise if I ever get annoyed by something you say that I will call you and talk about it.

    Sorry this took so long to post. I was out of town at a men's retreat and didn't have my laptop.

    Rest assured if you ever bother me enough to warrant a response I'll do it either face-to-face or at the very least over the phone.

    Sorry for sending even the suggestion of that.

    Your friend

  8. thanks for having this discussion online. I love it. still, isn't it funny how this subject attracted 8 comments (9 including this one) even on this blog, while other articles here are received mostly in silence? I can't help but feel a little mad about this!


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