writing wrongs

"I am still of opinion that only two topics can be of the least interest to a serious and studious mood - sex and the dead. 
William Butler Yeats

I have a friend who writes books. She is an enchanted Fairy in human form and that magical person shines through in her words. It is easy to believe she has lived a legion of lives and carries with her a mountain of lore pouring out generations of genius in her romantic tomes. They are devoid of pulp fiction and tawdry temptations. She writes about love and laughter and the misty mountains of the clans' shores. I love that she can write enchanting scenes that transport me across time and gender. I walk carefully in her footsteps looking at how she walks and where she went to figure out where she found the words. You see it's my ambition one day to write my book and so join my Irish brethren in turning letters into dreams and nightmares both. 

I'm occasionally asked why I don't write that book right now rather than in some indeterminate future that may never happen. I invariable answer that I'm not ready to write the book I want to see written. I'm afraid if I wrote it now it would be a half formed abortion masquerading as meaning with only the promise of provocation to warrant purchase. 

I'm cynical about the people who read words these days. If I want 100+ people to read this Blog on any given day all I need to do is to include a curse or a sexual innuendo in the title. If I wanted 1000+ to read it I'd just have to curse someone else's religious, political or personal position and add to that the occasional sexual secret in a Jerry Springer-like fantasia of faux thinking. 

I want to write something that moves someone to think something they never thought before. To help someone see the world in a different hue and after that moment wonder if they might have lived their life unaware that they had been color blind until that moment. Unfortunately for me I haven't yet lived long enough to have discovered and distilled something profound enough to warrant wonder. 

I think inside me is brewing something that might provoke people without me seducing them with sex or scouring them with death. Like my fairy friend I hope one day to provoke people with a powerful story shared solely because if I left it within me it would claw it's way out through my skin and soul. Until then I'll keep scrawling on the walls of this blog-sphere hoping to spark a flame within my life that will burn the dross aside that the precious thoughts will shine forth and form words worthy of writing down and offer others to see if they find it worth reading.  


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