Simply focused

“That’s been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” 
Steve Jobs

I was listening to an Intelligence Squared podcast on Saturday morning with Daniel Goleman who wrote the best seller “Emotional Intelligence.” His new book is “Focus: the hidden driver of Excellence”
Part of the podcast dealt with three types of focus we all use with differing levels of competency:

  • Inner: which is about self-awareness, which is our ability to regulate and evaluate ourselves. 
  • Outer: which is about our ability to understand the systems we are compelled to operate inside.
  • Other: which is about our ability to be aware of other people’s feelings and communication. 
On the whiteboard calendar in my office there is a permanent reminder to focus on “Prayer, Planning and Passion” which are my core areas that help to keep life simpler. Now after listening to this awesome podcast on Focus I’ll be adding Inner, Outer and Other beside my “P” list.

I thought I’d be less “wordy” today for the sake of a friend of mine who likes to read my Blog but finds it a little dense at times....

This Blog’s simple thought: Inner, Outer, Other. 


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