beating bibles into plough-shares.
Above is a link to one of the blogs I follow. The "nakedpastor" is often thought-provoking and funny. Two of my favorite things to combine. :)
Today's post provoked more heart searching by me.
You see, for several years I've been wondering about the conversation that will follow the explanation I offer to Jesus in defense of my decision to walk away from fearful people who have created defensive postures to protect what they feel are existential values. Something tells me I may not enjoy that conversation quite as much as I would prefer to.
I once had a fundamentalist weep openly in front of me in a church's sanctuary. She tearfully explained how terrible it felt when she realized she was being rejected by someone who was known for his inclusiveness. Her tears and fears have followed me for years. Those tears haunt my steps, sometimes forcing me to overcome my complete frustration and turn back to try again to find some combination of words that might communicate the possibility that the values being so carefully protected by the latest fundamentalist (who is ruining my day) may not be quite so existential as they believe, and that if those values are existential then throwing scripture at me isn't quite as full proof a way to win an argument with another human being as it is with some demonic being from the fifth level of perdition.
While it is still excruciatingly frustrating when they respond to my latest gentle gambit with yet another Scriptural quotation I believe occasionally my persistence creates an armistice between me and a fundamentalist. I realize that far more commonly my gentle gambit is translated as yet more proof that I am actually a demonic being from the fifth level of perdition, but I think my Master would consider being demonized a prize well worth paying for the chance of reaching into someone's fearful life.
If you happen to be someone who quotes scripture when talking to other human beings then this is my gentle gambit aimed at having you decide to cease and desist using the Bible as a weapon. I promise the human being you are talking to is almost certainly not a demonic being from the fifth level of perdition.
If you happen to be someone who has been the victim of a drive by Bible bashing then my gentle gambit in this post is to suggest that despite your own pain you consider the idea that the scriptural thumper may have been scared witless and was reacting out of intense fear at losing eternal security.
Lastly, if this has offended you deeply, and you feel a growing impulse to respond, please consider how totally underwhelmed I'll be with a Scriptural quotation being used to deconstruct my position.
I've literally lost count of how many times I've read the Bible cover to cover.
I've had the dubious privilege of having to do my "devotional life" in at least two languages.
I've also had the chance to lead a lot of Bible Studies. In one particularly diverse Bible Study we had at least five major languages represented. In that study group I once had a Greek Christian sit through the excruciatingly embarrassing situation of having a German Christian explain to him what the original Greek meant! :) It would have been slightly less excruciating if the American Christian hadn't interrupted both Europeans to explain what the ESV said about the disputed text and how her pastor had assured her that it was the most accurate rendering of Sacred Scripture.
The oblique point I'm trying to make is that I've heard a lot of wonderfully naive people quote from their particular cultural perspective and language of Holy Scripture and expect everyone else to fall automatically into line behind them. After a few years of hair pulling frustration I came to realize it was something God was fine with. So if you desperately feel the need to throw your favorite scripture at me then please, by all means do so and I will take it in the spirit it was sent.
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