ideas worth insulting
I spent an hour this morning reading a new blog.... that led to another blog and then inevitably to my own blog.
I loved the cartoon above, as I think it depicts Christianity's despair with their self-nominated patient (those poor unfortunates who are disconnected or unconnected to Christianity) who irrationally refuse to accept that they are the desperate patient and the christian is the gracious therapist/doctor/savior.
So out of the deep kindness that is inherent in all Christians, our tribe feels the greatest good is to be accomplished by beating or cajoling the patient, who is so obviously in denial, into accepting reality. If that beating causes some immediate harm the rational is that it will in the end benefit the patient. Cruel to be kind!
"Permission based proselytizing" on the other hand is the progressive methodology used by many of us liberal Christians, and it gets a bad rep among mainstream Christians because it is believed that the people we want to proselytize would never give us permission to proselytize them. Strangely, this position seems to be based on an unspoken belief that what we Christians have is not inherently attractive to observers.
Here is my thought for today for my fellow Christians who follow my blog. For my friends who are disconnected or unconnected to Christianity the thought is applicable just exchange Christianity for whatever your world-view happens to be. It isn't a new thought and if you read or listen to me even semi-regularly it will be familiar to you.
- Never, ever assume someone wants to hear about your precious world view of Christianity and your wonderful Savior. "Shut up until someone asks you a question about it!"
- "Assume you aren't meant to help someone until they ask you specifically for help"
- Enter every situation and relationship expecting to learn something new or to discover something you believe is actually wrong.
- Listening has nothing to do with talking. It means actually paying attention to what another person is saying. Merely shutting your mouth does not qualify as listening.
- Remind yourself each morning that you and your christian community are actually not the great Hope for Humanity. That role belongs to God. You are part of humanity and should therefore be joining the rest of humanity in search of your great hope!
- Lastly, yet perhaps most importantly, spend as much time as you can with people that you can genuinely celebrate, instead of with people you can barely tolerate. It will prove beneficial to both you and them!
Hope you have a great Sunday....
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