#Some of my Biblical beliefs are misguidedly wrong!
"Selfish is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live."
Oscar Wilde
It is possible that I managed to accidentally slip and produce a perfectly aligned theology that God will set forth as the "right" one. While it is possible it is improbable. I am confident that some of the Beliefs I hold dearly about the interpretation of Biblical Truths are wrong.
As I have no idea which of my Beliefs that might be I am consoled by the Biblical Truth that absolute certainty is not required to have absolute Faith.
If I am proved wrong on the Biblical Truth of faith then it might be enough to collapse the remainder of the house.
But what other Truths are so foundational?
Is Genesis a literal, historic document intended for humanity to know what happened during a past event? Or should one take the Book of Revelation as a literal account of a future event? Does it matter whether Jonah actually was swallowed by a large fish or if it is an allegorical account of overcoming national prejudice and embracing a divinely inspired passion for all of humanity? If my understanding of these Biblical passages is faulty does it collapse my entire world-view? I believe not!
There are some non-negotiables in Christianity as there are in all coherent ideas. These foundational ideas are what hold up the entire structure. Immutable laws that must be followed to allow the remainder to fit together. The literal Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as God are foundational Truths. That these Truths must intersect a broken human life is also immutable.
Everything else is aesthetic or functional, but it isn't load bearing.
I was asked this week to help a friend who leads a church navigate the explosive issue of same sex attraction and same sex marriage. I've heard both sides of this argument and I confess they both have compelling logic for why their interpretation of the six passages in Scripture that deal with same sex attraction is the right interpretation. I have my own strongly held view of this issue. I have a truth I believe!
As the week unfolded I then heard that the titular head of a small denomination will now be authorized to decide who can become a professor at their main Seminary. This onerous task was laid upon his shoulders to ensure future professors who trained their future pastors carried the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth into their lecture halls. The result might be a generation of students who graduate from a place of higher learning with heads stuffed with "some version of Truth" that this denomination has decided is inspired and alone in its accuracy. These same students will also leave with little capacity to grow into new knowledge and enlightenment. They have already been given all the answers, what need then to ask anymore questions?
This week I'll send my friend a detailed and articulate argument that explains in well thought out systematic theology the opposing view from mine on same sex attraction and marriage. I'll also add a very brief explanation of my view. Why? Because I might be wrong! My reputation and his affection for me will make impartiality difficult. If I believe "A" then it would be wise to give "B" as strong an airing as possible to rigorously test my own hypothesis' validity.
This week I also took the time to talk with a seminary from the aforementioned denomination and asked questions of him intended to provoke doubt and challenge his firmly held beliefs. If he is indeed the purveyor of Truth then my rigorous testing of that Truth will only validate it further in his eyes therefore cementing his blossoming confidence in his view-point. On the other hand, if he discovers it cannot withstand rigorous testing through simple questioning then perhaps it was a kindness to help him reject the Truth he was holding to.
It is an usurping of Divine prerogatives to claim to be Omniscient. To claim that you have correctly untangled the complexities of every word in the revealed Word of God is hubris in the highest order.
While it is true that The Bible has no mistakes and has only one accurate interpretation of the Truth presented in its pages. I am stating forcibly that I do not believe that any one human or any one human institution has managed to correctly fully comprehend that Truth. But I might be wrong! But I have Faith in God that I might be right!
We are all misguided about some portion of our Biblical Beliefs, unless of course the image at the top of this post is your explanation for how you managed to reach fully accurate understanding. By Accident!
Test my Beliefs rigorously but please refrain from confusing conviction with character. What I belief today has little bearing on my character. Faith on the other hand has everything to do with my character!
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